How To Nurture Your Faith In Motherhood With Bible Reading Plans

Exhausted, overwhelmed, and drowning in motherhood? You're not alone. Motherhood is beautiful, messy, and sometimes absolutely chaotic. As a first-time mom, I know the feeling all too well. Between sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and tiny humans demanding constant attention, finding time for myself, let alone spiritual growth, felt impossible. I was someone who read my bible or opened my Bible app daily to someone whose bible app streak went to zero, and I couldn’t remember how long it had been since I had a quiet moment with God.

I struggled to find time to read my bible and struggled with topics I wanted to dive into. I was drowning in motherhood. I needed real-life stories of moms who used Jesus as their foundation to get their heads back above water, so I searched in the Youversion Bible App to find exactly what I was looking for.

If you're a mama feeling lost in the whirlwind of motherhood, this blog post is for you. I'll share the Bible reading plans that have helped and continue to help me on this motherhood journey, along with tips on finding time to read these bible plans. These bible reading plans offer bite-sized chunks of Scripture relevant to everyday struggles and pair them with practical tips and encouraging devotionals and reflections.


Bible Reading Plans Designed for Moms

These reading plans are real-life stories of women who juggle motherhood's demands just like you and me while yearning for a deeper connection with God.

you have value, mama-bible reading plans for mothers

You Have Value, Momma–Prayers and Reminders for Moms

This 5-day bible reading plan reminds you of your worth in Christ. You are beautiful, loved, forgiven, and equipped!

More than a mommy bible reading plan for moms on youversion bible app

More Than a Mommy

This 4-day plan is dedicated to Mamas who know that their God-given purpose includes AND extends beyond motherhood. Learn how to use your position as a mother to create a powerful and life-long legacy.

3 Days To A Realistic Home With The Better Mom Devotional-bible reading plan for mothers

3 Days To A Realistic Home With The Better Mom Devotional

This 3-day bible plan is to ensure moms that becoming a better mom starts not with what you are doing but with who God is inviting you to become.

Enjoying motherhood-bible reading plan for mothers on the youversion bible app

Enjoying Motherhood

Join the community of women at Help Club for Moms to learn about important, life-giving topics for moms designed to encourage us to keep going and stay strong!

Intentional Motherhood: Habits for True Self Care-bible plans for mothers on the youversion bible app

Intentional Motherhood: Habits for True Self Care

In this 5-day plan, mothers will ground themselves in biblical truths and learn the importance of intentionally caring for themselves spiritually, emotionally, and physically--amidst the many, often competing, demands of motherhood.

Mindfulness: Holding God and Your Newborn in Mind

Mindfulness: Holding God and Your Newborn in Mind

Join Temi Michael-O in this 3-day bible reading plan as she shares biblical mindfulness practices to help you grow in faith while caring for your newborn. You will learn how to live in the here and now and rise above anxiety as a new or expectant parent.

merciful moments for mom bible plan devotional for busy moms on youversion bible app

Merciful Moments for M.O.M.S

Motherhood is a gift that shouldn’t be confined to a series of to-do lists, marked milestones, or filtered photos. Using the M.O.M.S acronym, Kirstyn Mayden empowers you to lay down your ideals, plans, and perfectionism at Jesus’ feet and pick up a new perspective, grateful heart, and courage to move forward each day. Start this 5-day plan to renew your spirit, attitude, and mind to receive God’s new mercies.


Throughout our mom-life we feel burdened, guilty, and insecure. What if we switch to understanding how much God has blessed us? He extends grace and confidence to us through Christ. Read this plan and be encouraged that God’s got you through this journey of mom-life.

Moments of Peace For Moms

These devotionals remind you of the God who wants to carry your concerns. This bible reading plan covers topics such as stress, worry, and busyness while they pay tribute to moms and the joys of motherhood.

A Prayer for Moms

This 7-day plan, written by people of all ages, is about praying for moms at various stages of their journey. If you're a mom, be prayed over at your specific stage, whether it be motherhood of young kids, teens, adult children, non-biological children, single motherhood, or special needs motherhood. If you're praying for moms, these prayers give you the words to bless the moms in your life!

Moments With God For Moms

Whether you are a first-time mom of a newborn or a seasoned mom of a teenager, Karen Stubbs knows that you need encouragement and a little time out.  This 12-day reading plan will meet you where you are and accompany you through the rewarding, challenging and God-ordained journey of motherhood.

Who’s taking care of me?- bible reading plan for mothers on youversion bible app

Who’s Taking Care of Me?

In this devotional, you willl explore how God takes care of moms just as moms take care of their babies! As moms, we can rest in the reality that God hears our every cry and is devoted to caring for us.

More Bible Reading Plans for Mothers

  1. The Help Club for Moms

  2. Living Changed: Mom to Mom

  3. Jesus, Teach Me: Partnering With the Holy Spirit in My Mothering

  4. Parenting & the Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio

  5. Too Blessed To Be Stressed For Moms

  6. Hot Mess - Thriving As A Mom

  7. Risen Motherhood

  8. More Than a Mom

  9. A Confident Mom

  10. Mama, Take Back Your Joy From Anxiety

Time Management Tips for Finding Time to Read These Bible Reading Plans

I know finding time is a big challenge for us moms, so here are a few tips to make spending time with God a priority:

  • Set aside a specific time each day for Bible reading. It doesn't have to be long; my rule is to send 15 minutes and incorporate the first 15. The First 15 = 5 minutes of worship, 5 minutes of reading the word, and 5 minutes of prayer.

  • Make Bible reading a part of your morning and evening routine. These are often the best times when you first wake up or before bed. I like to wake up earlier to read my bible plans and pray. This allows me to truly absorb the word and be in God’s presence without distraction. Figure out what works best for you, ask God to guide you, and provide discipline to stay consistent with this routine.

  • Utilize the Bible app to make reading more convenient. The Youversion bible app has various plans for whatever you are going through in life, which are free. Not only can you access Bible reading plans, but you also have access to a digital Bible and can connect with your friends to grow together.

  • Find a quiet place to read where you won't be interrupted. It is so important to set the atmosphere for time with God. This could be your bedroom, closet, couch, or even in your car while waiting for your kids in the pickup line. Wherever you get those pockets of quiet time, open your Bible and give God some time.

Thank you for reading this blog post. I hope these motherhood-focused bible plans become a part of your daily routine, help you cultivate a closer relationship with God, gain wisdom and guidance to raise children, find peace and strength in difficult times, and become a more patient and loving mother to your children and yourself.

As you explore these plans, remember there will be some days when life gets chaotic, and you might forget to read your bible plan, but don’t let that discourage you. Your bible app streak doesn’t define your relationship with God.

If you need help with how to pray and set time aside for God, check out my blog posts, “How to Journal Your Prayers” and “How to Activate Peace Daily.”


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