Ebony Deshae

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Deepen Your Connection to God with This New Prayer Journal

Remember when we talked about setting monthly goals?! Well, Mid July I set a goal to create something of my own during the quarantine. However, I wasn’t specific at all. This is why in my last blog post I mentioned having a SMART GOAL and only focuses on 1 or 2 at a time. I just want y’all to know, I don’t share anything with you all that I have not personally lived out. 

After listening to Pastor Toure preach at the Woman Evolve Virtual Experience, I had the confirmation on what I was going to specifically create. Pastor Toure preached about revisiting the altars. What does that mean, Ebony? He spoke about an altar being memorializing a unique moment between you and God.

Revisiting the altar for me meant revisiting all of my journals. As I was going through my journals, I saw all of my prayers to God. I meaaaan like it is amazing to see how God showed up and showed out in my life. Even though all of the prayers that had not been answered, I was able to see where God shifted my perspective and softened my heart.

Revisiting that altar blessed me and gave me the vision for my September Goal. I focused my creativity on creating a prayer journal. So many times during the process of creating my journal, I got distracted trying to create other things. Finally, after my confirmation moment, I buckled down and said this is my only focus. I know I won’t get it perfect but I can make it something that I am proud of. I wore youtube and google search out to gain the skills I needed to make this goal happen. And Guess What?!! I did it!!! I really did it! I cried while I uploaded the final copy. I felt God’s presence saying thank you for being an obedient child even when it was frustrating. You did it, my child!


I am so excited to share this with the world! My Diary of Prayers is a journal for women to document their daily prayers. I designed this journal to make it easier for you to revisit that altar. This prayer journal includes ‘Prayer Request’ and ‘Praise Report’ pages every 21 pages.  Every 21 days, you can reflect on your prayers and document praise reports. Even if God didn’t answer your prayers, you can write how you feel about it now. Did God give you peace about that situation? At the end of the journal, there's an area to write your favorite scriptures and take notes.

The goal of this journal is to have a designated space to write prayers to God. This journal is perfect for journaling at any time of the day! If you need help to get started with writing your prayers down, check out my blog post, “How To Journal Your Prayers.” Grab your coffee, find your quiet place, and pour your heart to God.

I hope this truly blesses you! Thank you for your love and support as I continue to be planted into my purpose.

Scriptures to Meditate on

Keep my teaching with you at all time; write it on your heart.
Proverbs 7:3 GNT

Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful carrying them out.
Proverbs 16:3 GNT

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
Matthew 12:22 GNT