Ebony Deshae

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The 4 Most Amazing Houseplants That Are Easy to Care For

I’ve been an official plant mama for a little over 4 months. Listen, I’ve killed a few plants before so I’m very excited to see my mom’s green thumb finally made its way to me. 

If I can be a plant mama, I believe anyone can be a plant mama, papa, auntie, whatever!

Here are my top 4 plants for beginner’s recommendations. These plants don’t require much attention and can thrive in most areas of the house.

  1. Snake Plant

  • A snake plant is the best plant for someone scared to kill a plant. They are very low maintenance and LOYAL. You can place this plant anywhere in your home. I currently have three snake plants, and they are all near a window. I have them near windows because they thrive with more light, however, they will still live in low-lit areas. Please, Please, Please, don’t give this plant too much attention. Let it dry out before watering again.

  • Snake Plant Care Guide

2. Golden Pothos

  • This was the first plant I added to our home. I received a few cuttings from work. My coworker told me to put it in water, wait for roots, then plant it. It’s safe to say this is an easy plant to propagate as well. This plant can be in a well-lit or low-lit area and still thrive. You will see more growth if you give this plant more light. Where you place this plant determines how often you water it. The soil will stay moist longer if this plant is in a low-lit area. To give you an idea, mine is on top of my kitchen cabinets. I haven’t watered in a month, and the soil is still moist. 

  • Pothos Plant Care Guide

3. ZZ Plant

  • ZZ plants are my favorite. This plant requires a low level of lighting. I check the soil every week using my finger or a moisture meter. Most of the time, it doesn’t need water. Typically, this plant will get a drink of water every 2 to 3 weeks. You must be mindful when watering the plant. It is best to underwater versus overwatering.

  • ZZ Plant Care Guide

4. Peace Lily

  • Some might say this isn’t a plant for beginners. Some call this a funeral plant and want nothing to do with it. SOOOOO I’ll be honest, the Peace Lily is the plant you should get if you’re feeling risky! It likes to stay moist but not wet. They’re very picky with the type of water they want. I try to give my distilled water, bottled water, or filtered water from the fridge. This plant likes all the attention and isn’t one you can forget about. If you want your Peace Lily to flower too, you must put it in indirect sunlight. My plants sit near the kitchen window, which is north-facing.

  • Peace Lily Plant Care Guide

  • Check out my IGTV video on Reviving a Peace Lily.

Don’t be afraid to take a chance on being a plant mom or dad if you want to try it. I have literally killed aloe before, and now I have 13 plants and counting that are living their best life in my home. 😊 🌱 

I hope this helps! If you have houseplants that you think are beginner-friendly, share them in the comments!

Go and follow @blackgirlswithhouseplants. This IG page will feature black women loving on and showing off their houseplants. If you want to be featured, send me a message.

Must Haves For Your Plants

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